The Libyan state-owned National Oil Corporation (NOC) has reported two new oil and natural gas discoveries - one with Algerian partner Sonatrach in the Ghadames basin and the other with Spanish partners Repsol YPF SA and OMV AG in the Sirte basin.
NOC said Sonatrach made the first discovery on Block 65 in the Ghadames basin with the wildcat A1-65/02 well. The well was drilled to 9,033 ft TD about 230 km south of Tripoli, encountered both oil and gas in the Mamouniyat formation at intervals of 8,532 and 8,560 ft.
Testing of the wildcat showed oil of 48.8° gravity flowing at 1,344 b/d and gas flowing at 1.88 MMcfd through a 28/64-in. choke, NOC said.
NOC said Sonatrach made the first discovery on Block 65 in the Ghadames basin with the wildcat A1-65/02 well. The well was drilled to 9,033 ft TD about 230 km south of Tripoli, encountered both oil and gas in the Mamouniyat formation at intervals of 8,532 and 8,560 ft.
Testing of the wildcat showed oil of 48.8° gravity flowing at 1,344 b/d and gas flowing at 1.88 MMcfd through a 28/64-in. choke, NOC said.
NOC holds a 75% stake in the Block 65 license, while Sonatrach holds the remaining 25% stake, which it acquired in 2005.
NOC's second reported discovery, in the Sirte basin about 500 km east of Tripoli, was with the A1-NC202 wildcat, drilled to 15,815 ft TD in 50 m of water.
NOC said the A1-NC202 discovery found both oil and gas in the Demah formation at intervals of 4,442 and 4,484 ft. Testing of the well showed 26° gravity oil flowing at 1,264 b/d and gas flowing at 0.58 MMcfd through a 32/64-in. choke.
Repsol YPF operates the NC202 Block, which was awarded in 2003. Repsol YPF holds 21% interest, while NOC has a 65% stake, and OMV holds the remaining 14%.
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